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A new technology, MONOLITHIC, Exclusively formed from uni-directional spread fibres.
Produced using specifically designed machinery to spread and plot fibres, to create a perfectly smooth sail
in one piece. No joins, no panels. MONOLITHIC sails are thus the best ‘shapeholding’ products
currently available on the market.

Custom designed sails made with state of the art materials
Sailcare & Repairs
Custom covers and accessories
Phone us on 01394 386323 with your enquiry
Our latest news and blog
Look Out! Cliff!
The motto is simple. Buy a boat with a [...]
A day at the races Classics at Suffolk Yacht Harbour
The Classic Yacht Reggata at Sufffolk Yacht harbour sees [...]
In victory you deserve Champagne. In defeat, you need it
"Would monsieur care for another bottle of Chateau Latour?" [...]
The weather one or the whether one?
"Catch the wind, see us spin Sail away leave [...]
What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach…or the When boats meet one.
SECTION A. RIGHT OF WAY. (what has this got [...]
Freedom or the “Bollinger! If it’s ’69 you were expecting me!” episode.
And now for something completly different: Free. adjective Able [...]
Suffolk Sails
9 Tide Mill Way, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 1BY
01394 386323